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Dedicated to providing reliable, quality TCM treatments for you.
MacPherson TCM & Wellness Clinic is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic set in a serene environment in Central East Singapore. We take a personalised, holistic approach in providing modernised TCM care including authentic Chinese medicine, acupuncture and therapeutic tuina, and integrative services such as corrective exercise training and nutrition.
Espousing the values of integrity and discipline, we seek to bring reliable healthcare to you. Using well-researched traditional herbs as medicine, we dispel fears of undesirable side effects. At the same time, we pride ourselves on the highest standards of safety and hygiene, evidenced by our white, clean setting. At Macpherson TCM & Wellness we’re passionate about leading you to paths of healthy living.
Fertility Support
Men's & Women's Health
Pregnancy Care
Labour Preparation
Labour Induction
Postnatal Care
Pain Management
Chronic Disease Management
Stress Management

Fertility Support
Natural Fertility Treatment
TCM / Acupuncture for Assisted Reproductive Technology i.e. IVF, IUI
Male Infertility
Female Infertility e.g. PCOS, endometriosis, DOR
Women's Health
Menstrual Irregularities
Hormonal Imbalances
Recurrent Yeast Infection
Breast Disorders
Vaginal Health
Men's Health
Sperm Production Disorders
Sperm Delivery Disorders
Male Sexual Dysfunction

Pregnancy Care
Various Pain Conditions during Pregnancy
Breech Presentation
Pregnancy Wellness
Routine Pre-Birth Preparation Programme
Induction of Labour
Postnatal Care
Low Milk Production / Insufficient Lactation
Recurrent clogs
Baby Blues & Postpartum Depression
Water Retention

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